Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering
Enroller Scholarship
Aim of the application
The primary objective of the Enroller Scholarship of the University of Miskolc is to support students who have demonstrated outstanding community/professional and tradition-building activities and who can become part of the future professional supply base of the engineering faculties. Students awarded the scholarship will be continuously involved in the recruitment projects and activities of the Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering and occasionally the Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Engineering. When evaluating applications, the applicant’s student’s professional and scientific achievements will be given equal weight.
The call is open primarily to students of engineering (AVK, MFK, GÉIK), depending on the projects to be implemented and the assignment of the relevant teaching staff. Each call topic will indicate the faculties to which it is addressed. Applicants must have active student status (either public scholarship or self-financed students) and can be Hungarian or foreign nationals. Communication skills in Hungarian are essential.
The scholarship can last from 1 to 5 months per semester (depending on the projects to be implemented and the assignment). Successful participants in the scholarship programme will be given priority in the next application cycle.
The scholarship awarded for a given academic year will be given only for the academic year applied for, subject to active student status. If the student’s student status is terminated or suspended during the period of the scholarship, the student is no longer entitled to the scholarship and must inform the awarding body accordingly. It is important that the work carried out during the scholarship period is documented in the manner required by the mentor. Proof of completion will be the final professional report accepted by the project leader. In case of non-completion, the grant will be terminated.
Currently available calls for proposals and funding
Each call is accompanied by a specific theme, with different funding sources and specific tasks. All applicants are entered into the Enrollment application system, so a student not funded in one of the rounds may be contacted as new assignments and funding opportunities arise.
The full call for applications can be found here.
Currently available topics can be found here:
AVK Support for Recruitment Activities | The Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering invites applications for scholarships for the first semester of the 2023/24 school year (1 September 2023 to 31 January 2024). The scholarship will be paid for 1-5 months. Applicants must commit themselves to apply for one of the indicator groups set out in the call for applications, thus supporting the organisation of events at the faculty and the university. A list of events and likely dates can be found by clicking on the call title. Programmes are subject to change and expansion, as we usually receive 1-2 weeks' notice of invitations, so students who are willing to be flexible with their participation dates should apply. Deadline for applications: 25 August 2023. | Scholarship scheme: monthly scholarship bands for BSc students are HUF 20,000-60,000, for MSc students 40,000-80,000, for PhD students 60,000-150,000. To be awarded the amount, the student must choose an indicator package and an activity level. Possible indicator packages are: 1) participation in the organisation and implementation of events; 2) participation in faculty social media (Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, photography) activities. Activity bands: 1) by events for an indicator package a) participation in up to 2 events; b) participation in 2-5 events; c) participation in 5-10 events; 2) by weekly activity for an indicator package, where the number of hours committed will determine the amount awarded. The minimum amount will be linked to 2 hours per week and the maximum to 8 hours per week. Applicants must specify in their cover letter how much time they can commit; the activity will be finalised at the time of assessment. The evaluation committee reserves the right to reduce the activity from the maximum undertaken. The proof of completion is the final professional report approved by the project leader. In case of insufficient completion, the grant will be terminated. |
RISBRIEFCASE EIT RM | The RISBRIEFCASE project aims to improve the social image of mining activities and raise awareness, bringing minerals and mining closer to ordinary people. It has developed innovative tools for students aged 6 to 14 years old to demonstrate in a playful way the importance of the daily use and exploitation of raw materials, focusing on rational aspects of mining activities such as the Not In My Backyard (NIMBY) concept or the consequences of our purchasing decisions, such as conflict minerals, the sustainability of mining activities, the transparency of the value chain, the social license to operate, climate change or the importance of recycling practices. Students are encouraged and supported to work in the raw materials sector. Hands-on Briefcase boxes filled with samples for circulation are in progress: a game for children, matching an object with the metal/ore it is made of, with accompanying educational presentations (Cobalt, Platinum, Gold, Phone Briefcase, etc.). We are looking for students to take part in such events. | Scholarship scheme: monthly payments of HUF 60,000 for BSc students, 80,000 for MSc students, and 150,000 for PhD students. Indicators: completion of the assigned tasks. The estimated weekly time to be spent on the project: at least 8 hours for BSc courses, 10 hours for MSc courses and 14 hours for PhD courses. The proof of completion is the final professional report approved by the project leader. In case of insufficient completion, the grant will be terminated. |