Antal Kerpely Doctoral School of Materials Science and Technology


Courses. By subject areas.

The following page contains details of subjects that can be taken in the 2023/24 academic year.

The subject files can be found separately in the document library.

General informations

In the training and research phase, doctoral students must complete four compulsory and two compulsory optional subjects.

Research must be completed in the first semester and Scientific Database Management in the second semester.

Compulsory subjects are worth 10 credits/subject, compulsory optional subjects are worth 2 credits/subject.


Name of course  Lecturer Semester Course Description NEPTUN code
Materials informatics
Non conventional computation in image analysis Prof. Dr. Barkóczy Péter Spring MAKDAI2EN
Anisotropy examinations Prof. Dr. Benke Márton Fall MAKDAI4EN
Scientific database management Kissné Dr. Svéda Mária Spring MAKDAI5EN
Artificial intelligence and material science application  Dr. Tóth-Lukács Pál Fall MAKDAI6EN
Plastic deformation of metals
Theory of metal forming Dr. Kovács Sándor Fall MAKDFK1EN
Hot forming Dr. Szűcs Máté Spring MAKDFK2EN
Cold Metalforming Processes Dr. Szűcs Máté Spring MAKDFK3EN
Modelling in crystal plasticity Prof. Dr. László S. Tóth Spring MAKDFK4EN
Materials behavior and modeling Dr. Alexis Rusinek Spring/Fall MAKDFK5EN
Physical metallurgy and heat treatment
X-ray diffraction methods Prof. Dr. Mertinger Valéria Spring MAKDFH2EN
Metal Matrix Composites Prof. Dr. Gácsi Zoltán, Dr. Gergely Gréta Fall MAKDFH3EN
Solide State tansformation Prof. Dr. Benke Márton Fall MAKDFH4EN
Solidification Dr. Veres Zsolt Fall MAKDFH5EN
 Electron microscopy: a powerful tool for understanding the operating mechanisms of deformation Dr. habil. Antoine Guitton Spring MAKDFH6EN
Interfacial phenomena and nano-technology
Art of Doing Science Prof. Dr. Kaptay György Fall MAKDHN1EN
Bulk and Interfacial Equilibrium of Materials Prof. Dr. Kaptay György Spring/Fall MAKDHN2EN
Nanotechnology Prof. Dr. Baumli Péter Fall MAKDHN3EN
Chemical processes and technologies
Sorption and catalysis Dr. Lakatos János Spring/Fall MAKDKF2EN
Application of Theoretical Chemistry Methods for Industrial Processes Prof. Dr. Viskolcz Béla Spring/Fall MAKDKF4EN
Data Analysis Dr. Bánhidi Olivér Spring/Fall MAKDKF5EN
Selected topics of organic chemical technologies Dr. Fejes Zsolt Spring MAKDKF6EN
Molecular Engineering Dr. Fiser Béla Spring/Fall MAKDKF7EN
Practical ab initio calculations Prof. Dr. Szőri Milán Spring MAKDKF8EN
Chemically Metallurgy
Surface technologies Prof. Dr. Török Tamás Spring/Fall MAKDKM1EN
Chemical Metallurgy-I Prof. Dr. Török Tamás Spring MAKDKM2EN
Chemical Metallurgy-II Prof. Dr. Kékesi Tamás Spring/Fall MAKDKM3EN
Processes of Metal Extraction and Refining Prof. Dr. Kékesi Tamás Spring/Fall MAKDKM4EN
Theoretical Fundamentals of Chemical Metallurgy Prof. Dr. Kékesi Tamás Spring/Fall MAKDKM5EN
Ceramics and their technologies
Mechanics and Processing of Ceramics Dr. Kocserha István Fall MAKDKE1EN
Constructional materials, silicates and glasses Dr. Kocserha István Fall MAKDKE2EN
High temperature equipment and heat energy utilization
Combustion Theory and Gasification Theory Prof. Dr. Palotás Árpád Bence Spring/Fall MAKDEN1EN
Transport processes Dr. Tóth Pál Spring/Fall MAKDEN2EN
Test methods for refractory materials Dr. Póliska Csaba Spring/Fall MAKDEN3EN
Foundry Engineering
Theoretical basics and simulation of foundry processes Dr. Molnár Dániel Spring/Fall MAKDÖN1EN
Polymer technology
Physics of Polymers Dr. Marossy Kálmán prof. emeritus Spring/Fall MAKDPO1EN
PVC materials Dr. Marossy Kálmán prof. emeritus Spring/Fall MAKDPO2EN
Rheology of Polymers Prof. Dr. Czél György Fall MAKDPO3EN
Introduction to the Chemistry of Polymers Dr. Szabó Tamás Spring/Fall MAKDPO4EN
Plastics Processing Technology Prof. Dr. Belina Károly Fall MAKDPO5EN
Space materials and technology
Flight hardware materials Dr. Bárczy Pál prof.emeritus Spring/Fall MAKDUT3EN