Anyag- és Vegyészmérnöki Kar
Institute of Chemistry
The Institute of Chemistry works as a strategic partner with Wanhua BorsodChem Plc., MOL Petrochemicals, Kiss Group, and Bosch Group companies operating in Miskolc. With three industrial departments of its own, the Institute of Chemistry seeks to forge closer links with the region’s leading chemical companies:
• Department of Chemical Technology (Wanhua-BorsodChem)
• Department of Fine Chemistry and Environmental Technology (Kiss Group)
• Department of Femtochemistry (Femtonics)
• Department of Technology and Engineering (SPL Europe).
The success of these collaborations is also demonstrated by joint winning tenders, contracts, and the dual education format. We have seized the GINOP grants as an excellent opportunity together with our industrial partners. The Institute of Chemistry plays a leading role in three major GINOP proposals.
GINOP 2.2.1-15-2016-00005: Energy-efficient and environmentally friendly neutralization and recycling of chemical residues (research and innovative development of catalysts for the catalytic thermal neutralization of sodium chlorate with increased efficiency).
GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00058: Efficient production and use in intensive fish farms of preventive feed supplements based on immunostimulatory and hitherto unused microalgae strains.
GINOP-2.3.4-15-2016-00004: Establishment of the FIEK on Advanced Materials and Smart Technologies at the University of Miskolc.
The flagship project of the University of Miskolc aims to generate outstanding research development and innovation (RDI) results and their economic utilization. The project/FIEK identifies three focal areas or sub-projects (vertical dimension) as the area for RDI activities:
• Advanced materials and their testing
• Advanced materials technologies
• Intelligent control and automation
The first two areas build on each other synergis-tically and allow complementary research, in line with the partners’ direct RDI themes. The third area links the two basic dimensions and offers the possibility for independent activity in the framework of Industry 4.0 research.
The members of the consortium (horizontal dimension) are the University of Miskolc (ME) led by BorsodChem Zrt. (BC), Robert Bosch Energy and Body Systems Automotive Electrical Parts Manufacturer and Distributor Ltd. (BOSCH), and ÉMI Building Quality Control Innovation Nonprofit.
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